Faculty Scholarship
Inclusion, Transformation, and Humility in North American Archaeology
By Seth Mallios, Sara Gonzalez, Michael Grone, Kathleen Hull, Peter Nelson, and Stephen Silliman
Adapting rapid ethnographic research in an evolving emergency: Generalizable lessons
in resilience
By Elisa J. Sobo, Emily K. Brunson, Stephanie McClure, Elizabeth Cartwright, Meg Jordan, Stephen B.
Thomas, and Monica Schoch-Spana
“I Don’t Want to Be Taught and Graded by a Robot”: Student-Teacher Relations in the
Age of Generative AI
By Elisa J. Sobo, David Goldberg, Sean Hauze, Abir Mohamed, Colin Ro, and James P. Frazee
Lessons for an invisible future from an invisible past: Risk and resilience in deep
By C. Michael Barton, J. Emili Aura-Tortosa, Oreto Garcia-Puchol, Julien Riel-Salvatore,
and Isaac Ullah
Modeling post-Pleistocene megafauna extinctions as complex social-ecological systems
By Miriam Kopels and Isaac Ullah
Paradigm or Practice? Situating GIS in Contemporary Archaeological Method and Theory
By Isaac Ullah, Zachery Clow, and Juliette Meling
Indigenous Law and the politics of kincentricity & orality
By A. Kearney, J. Bradley, D. Norman, M. Timothy, V. Dodd, G. Friday, and A. Karrakayny – Yanyuwa
Sea Country: Plurality and knowledge of saltwater territories in Indigenous Australian
By A. Kearney, M. O’Leary, and S. Platten
Sensing Disaster: Vulnerability and local knowledge in Oceania
By Matthew Lauer
Colonialism and Historical Ecology: Livestock Management as a Case Study in the American
By Martin Welker and Nicole Mathwich
Problems with Paranthropus
By M. Sponheimer, D.J. Daegling, P.S. Ungar, R. Bobe, and O.C.C. Paine
Variable digestibility of captive northern greater galagos (Otolemur garnettii) fed experimental “frugivorous” and “invertebrate” diets
By J.E. Loudon, B.K. Smith, S. Bianchi, M.E. Howells, M.A. Krowka, A.M. Gomez, S.
Davison, O.C.C. Paine, and M. Sponheimer
Food insecurity, diet, and mental distress among resource insecure students during
COVID-19: an applied life history theory perspective
By Miriam C. Kopels & Casey J. Roulette
Performing the Past and the Present with an eye to the Future: How might we Optimize
the Potential of Land Acknowledgment Rituals and help Ensure they Do No Harm?
By EJ Sobo, V. Lambert, and M. Lambert
Who Is Perturbed by Ecological Perturbations? Marine Scientists’ and Polynesian Fishers’
Understandings of a Crown-Of-Thorn Starfish Outbreak.
By M. Lauer, T. Atger, S. J. Holbrook, A. Rassweiler, R. J. Schmitt, & J. Wencelius
Order on the Edge of Empire: Social Network Analysis of Colonial Mission Landscapes
in Nuevo México and the Pimería Alta
By Nicole Mathwich and Evan Giomi
Addressing Covid-19 Vaccination Equity for Hispanic/Latino Communities by Attending
to Aguantarismo: A Californian US–Mexico Border Perspective
By E.J. Sobo, G. Cervantes, D.A. Ceballos, and C. McDaniel-Davidson
Rights, Responsibilities, and Revelations: Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories and the State
By E.J.Sobo and Elżbieta Drążkiewicz